Energy Aggregation

In April 2013, Township residents approved a referendum to allow for Wheatland Township to enter into energy aggregation agreements for unincorporated residential and small commercial retail customers.

Aggregation allows for combining the buying power of its residents to be more effective in negotiating rates than an individual customer.

can opt-out at any time to return to ComEd or switch to another supplier with no penalties or early exit fees.


In April 2013, Township residents approved a referendum to allow for Wheatland Township to enter into energy aggregation agreements for unincorporated residential and small commercial retail customers.

In October 2022, at the recommendation of Wheatland Township’s energy advisors, the Board of Trustees selected MC Squared Energy Services (MC2) as the energy supplier for unincorporated residents for a period of two years. At the time of the selection, MC2’s pricing was below ComEd’s.

At this time, ComEd’s pricing has improved and it is no longer a lower cost to utilize MC2 for energy services. Fortunately, the Township’s agreement allows for residents to withdraw from the energy aggregation plan at any time.

If you would like to opt out of the energy aggregation program, we encourage you to call MC2 at 833-879-0715, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

For more information about the township’s energy aggregation plan, please visit:

MC Squared Energy Services

In October 2022, the Wheatland Township Board of Trustees selected MC Squared Energy Services as the energy supplier for unincorporated residents.

MC Squared Energy Services contract runs through January 2025.

Service Provider
MC Squared Energy Services
ComEd (As of 10/06/2022)


To see if MC Squared Energy Services is still cheaper than the ComEd Price to Compare, please visit:

Signed Master Power Supply Agreement
Energy Services Summary and Recommendation

For more information, email [email protected] or call 833-879-0715, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.  

Copyright Wheatland Township (C) 2023