FOIA & Expenditure Docs
All public records in Wheatland Township are available to any person for inspection or copying, in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act.
For information related to the public’s rights under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act, please visit the Illinois Attorney General website.
Submitting a FOIA Request
FOIA requests to the Township must be made in writing. Requests shall be legible, specific, and in English. The requests should contain the requestor’s name, complete address, phone number, and specific records requested. The form for submitting a FOIA request may be found below:
All notices and other communications in connection with a request to inspect, copy, or certify public records under the Act may be mailed to the address below or email to the respective Freedom of Information Officer:
Freedom of Information Officer
4232 Tower Court
Naperville, IL 60564
FOIA Officers
FOIA requests for general Township matters:
Anita Liskey, Clerk
[email protected]
FOIA requests for Township Assessor matters:
Brandi Pocius
[email protected]
FOIA requests for Township Road District matters:
Carolyn Rominger
[email protected]